Tantra/ Yoni Massage for Women
Tantra is a belief extending back about 5000 years beginning in India and spreading to China. It is not a religion, but, just a way of finding ones self by turning meditation inward.. In essence focusing on sensations within the body to connect with the energy of the world that surrounds us. Since males are givers of universal energy and females are receivers of energy this type of experience that we offer is only for females since they are the receivers receivers. The experience is to guide you as you relax into very powerful physical feelings and energy. With continued exposure it will be possible, over time, to learn how to create, receive and focus these wonderful sensations.
This experience is done with out draping, by and RN with many years experience in women's health. This is a safe place for women and the experience is largely directed by the receiver.
This experience is done with out draping, by and RN with many years experience in women's health. This is a safe place for women and the experience is largely directed by the receiver.
11/2 hours $100
A shortened "introductory experience is offered for no charge as our guest.
Yoni touch for stress relief alone is $40.